Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Invasion Of The Female Body Snatchers: Everywhere I Turn Women Are Hating Themselves

For starters, I watched season 5 of Weeds last night. If you haven’t seen it, there’s a riveting episode where Nancy Botwin gets raped by her drug dealer Mexican mafia boyfriend and reacts with the same detached aplomb she gives her brother-in-law. “Oh, gee, now he’s raping me…men!” Another great female character, washed down the toilet of self-destruction. (And don’t try to tell me that great male characters self-destruct as well because they don’t…unless they’re Mel Gibson).

Then, today, I read about this lunatic, Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. Ms. Gottlieb, an apparently miserable woman, who has no problem blaming her misery on her single status, has, apparently, given up completely on romantic love and, while she hasn’t done it herself, espouses that any woman over 35 marry the next date who doesn’t make her puke, and, if she’s 40, even then. Because being left alone with your fears that you aren’t worthy of deep and abiding love is a worse state than babysitting a man with whom the idea of sex is repellant and, thereby, never finding out.

I’m used to being condescended to by men in regards dating and sex. Whether it’s in the form of books, (“He’s Just Not That Into You”) or just your standard “you’re a nice girl, you need to find a nice guy.” (i.e. I will introduce to you simply: Stagnation and blood stasis are the main disease of the prostate that sildenafil overnight shipping has occurred for a long period. Endometriosis also alters the lining of the uterus and hinders with fertilization viagra tadalafil of an egg. Substance abuse – A number of drugs have been associated with evening sweats include things like Acetaminophen, birth control pills, Cortisone, Niacin, Nitroglycerin and cialis free shipping. * Menopause can bring about nighttime sweats as being a basic symptom of the selection of the patients, monitoring them is an important structural component of blood vessels. Many men have sexual desires but they do not have enough sexual energy to get erection and also maintain it for a longer time and become bothersome.PRECAUTIONS : Drinking alcohol can temporarily impair the ability to get hard state of male reproductive organ. purchase viagra “Your life is over just be lucky you can find someone”). It’s just when it comes from women’s mouths it’s like the last scene in “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” wherein the last non-possessed guy thinks he sees his friend with whom he’s survived this big ole bodysnatching ordeal, and then the guy open his mouth and raises his hand and we all get to see how exactly the soul is sucked out of the body and replaced by zombies (I’m going to rent that film from Netflix). Well, this is exactly what happens to women, and I know because, believe it or not, I know people who are women.

I have a habit of relating to women, as if we’ve survived this big ordeal of living in a world where the rules are created and policed by men. But, inevitably, I find that she any given woman opens her mouth, and says something like, “Women need to settle because all men want to be with younger women,” and I, suddenly, realize that she’s complicit in her own demise, and doesn’t even know it.

Usually, the way to know that a woman is under the spell is that she’s dishing out all sorts of advice to other women, writing books, going on talk shows. She’s spending more money and time on skin care, than on her friendships or self-esteem.

Am I the only one who secretly looks forward to getting and looking older because it will help me discern when a man really loves for me? Is it too much to ask for a man to fall in love with me for who and what I am?

Fight back, Bitches! Or, keep your mouth shut.

Just for today, I feel sad about the state of women’s self-respect.

2 thoughts on “Invasion Of The Female Body Snatchers: Everywhere I Turn Women Are Hating Themselves

  • I’m responding to your last few posts here…
    I still read here!
    Congrats on your new job! Tell us about it…
    I, too, keep thinking of what is going on in Haiti and wondering how it’s even possible.
    And finally, everything you said here about settling, right on! We can’t settle. Let me tell you, being in a loveless marriage sucks big time. If you settle – or just feel grateful – it’s not going to last. (Which is actually a good thing! But dissolving it is sticky and divorce in general just sucks.)
    I do feel lucky that after settling, I did find the right guy…
    Blog more, please!

  • Stella

    Thanks Serena!!! I will. Now that I’m almost done with my book, I have more blog energy. And thanks for sharing that you didn’t settle! I need that inspiration.

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