Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


I See You

With all the streaming content, 24 hours news cycle and sporting event, I feel that many other parts of life get ignored. I am thinking of one particular largely overlooked group that is such an important part of our society and, yet, given so little positive press.  You guessed it: flowers.

I always assumed that people who took pictures of flowers were giant saps who liked Romantic Poetry, had Jane Austen-world fantasies and no sex life.  Well, if that’s the case, I best dust off my copy of “Pride and Prejudice” and get out my boring Wordsworth poems because I have become a geek for those colorful things that come out of the ground.  I am so fascinated by flowers, I want to interview them.

ME: So, Ms. Purple Daisy, what inspired you to wear this purple/orange/pink ensemble this year?

MPD: Well, you know, I am just really inspired by bold tropical colors, it just really speaks to me. And I just really feel that orange and purple are a playful combination and Spring is a time to play.

ME: How do you feel about the popularity of your primary color Purple?

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MPD: I think I have been wearing it longer than anyone. If Larkspur or Hyacinth want to go purple this year, more power to them. I know who I am.

I wonder if they ever feel rejected, ignored or “not good enough.”  Or maybe they feel that they don’t stand out, like they aren’t unique enough and need a new brand.

I am not weird. I don’t anthropomorphize flowers, or treat them the way some people interact with their dogs or cats. I think people who have human relationships with their dogs and cats could stand to take a break from pet ownership. Take some time to work on their human relationships and  maybe get flowers and plants instead.  But don’t get orchids, because those bitches show you no love.