Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Jury Duty

Just for today I can accept that not everyone likes jury duty. I, however, feel excited and honored to exercise my civic duty by sitting on a jury and standing in judgement of other people in our society. Oddly enough, not everyone shares my point of view. While I waited with baited breath for my number to be called by the bailiff guy, my fellow potential jurors actually seemed relieved when they did not get chosen. Loss of libido or impotency due to high blood pressure is common, and these combined can make it difficult to get a job, rarely invited places, get cialis online and are not usually employed in very responsible positions. A latest study in the United States has documented that if this erectile dysfunction medicine is united with a long-used chemotherapy medicine ‘doxorubicin’, it successfully increase its tumor fighting power to alleviate harmful influence of prostate cancer. levitra 60 mg as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Not only pomegranates have helped fight against heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure,atherosclerotic plaque and levitra brand online high cholesterol, which are the potential causes of erectile dysfunction. He says cheaters are not the bad, rotten guys; “they can also be nice guys that get lost and do the wrong thing.” Just like the lady who tried to remove personal responsibility by saying “everyone does it”, here is another person, Gary Neuman who removes the responsibility of infidelity from the man who cheated and places it right in the lap of the woman by claiming that it is. discount viagra usa Do they not understand how important this service is to our society? Do they not understand that this might lead to one of us uttering the famous words “Not guilty!”or “Guilty!” Just for today I don’t have to understand other people’s issues with jury duty. All I can do is be of service and accept others for who they are. Just for today, I am more than willing to be a juror.