Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Fabulous Meetings

In Los Angeles, one can find many fabulous 12-step meetings. Meetings filled with rock stars and people in black leather who smoke a lot, or meetings with socialite women with Prada bags and French pedicured feet. Or meetings with actresses with cool flowey clothes who cry about their abusive parents (who were probably a childhood icon). And these are wonderful meetings, filled with the spirit of a loving higher power. Am I the only one who is absolutely appalled by the superstore Target’s use of the great Beatles’ hit entitled “Hello Goodbye” (although in the commercial they have changed it to “Hello Good Buy,” how clever). generic order viagra They successfully can make you get back usually in stock viagra sales in the game and impress your partner then you should buy Kamagra. Supplement D is normally available in the natural cheap viagra light. It has effective Aphrodisiac properties sildenafil best price that help regulate blood glucose, fight cancer cells and boost immune system. However, I, personally, like the meetings filled with secretaries and temps, and people wearing clothes from Loman’s and Ross, who don’t consider facials and massages as part of their recovery program. While I embrace my own fabulousness (though, there are those baseball-cap, no make-up, days when I CHOOSE to embrace my earthiness) I like meetings that don’t have a high quotient of fabulousness. And not because I think that God looks down on Fabulousness, but it just distracts me, personally, from the greater goal at hand, which is to recover from the effects of my alcoholic family and re-connect with my own higher self (who does happen to be VERY FABULOUS).

Just for today, I accept that in order to find my fabulous self, I need to go to earthy meetings.