Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Los Angeles

The Weather Here Rocks!

I went on a hike on Monday because it was so amazingly beautiful outside I couldn’t stand it. I could actually see one of the Channel Islands (I don’t know which one). How could anyone not love LA?

While I was hiking I saw a family walk by with a boy who was collecting rocks. When I was a kid, my father used to take me on grueling backpack trips which I blame for my ten-year hiatus from nature (I refused to do anything associated with trees, mountains, or grass, and I even had problems with some plants). Anyway, on these grueling backpack trips, I, too, used to collect rocks (perhaps, in my burgeoning masochism, I was finding a way to make the hike more grueling). By the end of the weekend, my backpack would weigh double whatever it did on the way there. Every year in Las Vegas there is a conference called Defcon where the smartest computer hackers cheap cialis mastercard and programmers descend on the city for a few nights. Elective Cosmetic surgery: Elective Cosmetic Surgery is one that is different from all the other india cialis surgeries that are performed. Many people blame them for this thing cialis generic but it is actually the very few flow of blood which enables the penis to stay erect for longer hours. The pills increase sex drive and provide where buy viagra sexual satisfaction in your sex life. As I learned while hiking, collecting rocks wasn’t an obsession that was unique to me.

After I passed by the kid with rocks I started thinking about my other childhood compulsion, giving my money away. My mom says that when she took me to Mexico on vacation I always wanted to give my spending money away all my money to all the impoverished families on the streets. In my innocense I didn’t understand why everyone didn’t feel the same.

And with these two compulsions, giving away money and collecting rocks, I entered adulthood. I’m still working on hanging onto my money, and not picking up anymore rocks (although, these are emotional ones).

Just for today, I can go hiking.