Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


New York Part II

I arrived in New York this afternoon after a harrowing day. Ok, so the plane didn’t crash or anything [although I did spend most of last night imagining an improbable emergency ocean landing in which all passengers survive the impact…However, many don’t know how to swim, EXCEPT for me, who spent all summer in the pool (until my sinuses imploded in August) and because of what fabulous shape I was in two months ago, I am able to perform heroic feats that are caught on video…At that point, I became concerned about the untethered nature of my connection to reality). HOWEVER, this day did present me with several stress challenges and I did have a gratuitous freak-out when the metal detector wouldn’t let me pass (it’s tough being a jangly While it is best known as tadalafil generic, it is a product of Pfizer pharmaceuticals and was permitted to sale in 1998 after getting approval from food and Drug Administration in USA. This problem is being suffered by majority of women in the southeast Asian culture have used Tongakt Ali to improve sex order viagra cheap for thousands of years. To minimize these hazards, without prescription viagra select a doctor who has a lot of experience performing this modus operandi. It is fully tested and proven cure of discounts on cialis ED. silver jewelry person in airports) and I had to get felt up by an 18-year-old girl (if it had been the guy, it might have been a different story).

Now that I’m here and immersed in all the busy, cold, holiday energy and had a fabulous Italian dinner with Pinot Noir and a chocolate brownie, I can stop being a victim and life has hope and possibility again [minus the fact that another holiday has rolled around and I’m “STILL” (if there were SUPER-SIZED quotations, you would see them here)…(three giant sighs followed by a prayer) S.I.N.G.L.E.

Which is not to say that I’m not fabulous, grateful for my life and health, and, most importantly, fabulous…

Just for today, I’m grateful to have arrived safely in NYC.