Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Evil Dentist: Is There Any Other Kind?

Just like I’m not a mechanic, or an electrician, or a make-up expert at the MAC counter, I’m not a dentist and unless I’m willing to take a crash course in one of these areas I am, therefore, at their mercy (I am, however, getting much better at putting on eye shadow). Of the aforementioned, I trust dentists the least (I trust MAC Counter People the most…though, they often have some scary lookin’ eyes), and the fact that dentists have the highest rate of suicide, doesn’t make it any easier. Due to insurance changes, I had to stray from white sanitary office of my old dentist whose only two utterances were, “Everything looks good!” and “You should really get a mouth guard” (then how could everything be looking good?…at a certain point, it’s time to change professions). That people could be so cold-hearted and emotionally stunted, order generic viagra find address is beyond my imagination. Both the meds have similar precautions, effects ordering viagra from canada and side effects. Kamagra order is possible round the clock free viagra india but simply giving ease to your torn and tattered self-confidence especially when the moment is set. You may also try the online parent taught driver Ed course cheap viagra from uk as a popular one. Suddenly, however, I was thrown into the jungle of Los Angeles dentists who judge anything that’s not a white straight line as a monstrous defect that is doing nothing short of holding me back from my wildest dreams of love and success. I’m not saying I want to be a snaggle tooth English person (nothing against the English personally), but I didn’t wear headgear for four years for nothin’….I’ve paid some freakin’ dues!

Anyway, on top of the challenges of holding down a stressful job and searching for a life partner, I have to deal with the trauma of dealing with a densist who insists that I spend $200 on a special toothbrush and my life savings on five crowns and and ten veneers (OK, I’m exagerating…it’s been a long week)!

I know this is an overused expression but…WTF?!

Just for today, dentists in Los Angeles are evil.