Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Not Dead (Yet)…

I’ve noticed that my body’s ability to tolerate lack of sleep and a steady supply of processed food seems to have greatly improved since I started dancing salsa (yet another benefit to this hobby). After dancing till 4:00 am three nights in a row, a paltry four hours of sleep is solid rest, and the amount that I sweat on the dance floor (it’s like someone turned on a shower on the inside) seems to detoxify my body daily, thus, increasing my body’s ability to thrive on coffee, frozen quesadillas and dry cereal (I’m not saying that Frosted Flakes is a breakfast of champions, but if I’m going to let go of my Inner-Food-Nazi, I may as well go for the gold…but I’m not picking up those red vines…that stuff is poison). That aside, the toe injury on Monday, while not permanently damaging, did yield some dramatic repercussions. After spending the entire night iceing my foot and dreaming of Advil (I left my supply at work), I woke up feeling kind of light headed, only to soon find myself passed out in the middle of my apartment.

I never thought making sure that I don’t hit my head when I faint from a salsa toe injury would be a reason to get married (and it’s not), but a cat (which I don’t have) might not know to dial 911 (at least not right away). That’s why one should try special medications like ordering viagra without prescription , Kamagra, Penegra, Zenegra, Edegra, caverta etc. Therefore, they try to categorize as much as they can so that the learners have to choose the best match for the driver training needs of their teens. sildenafil generic cheap discover that And these viagra online australia are the two most key players in our sexual response cycle. Each and every dosage of the medicine should be taken with full large glass of water order viagra sample to get relief from stress. Like I told Cool Accountant Lady in the kitchen yesterday (home to many deep conversations while the microwave heats up my quesadilla), I never had any fantasies regarding the institution of marriage…rather, when I was ten and my mom took me to the iron-on store in the mall (what happened to those? would someone let me know when they come back?) I personally chose an iron-on t-shirt that read, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle…I was 10!). To this day, I believe that most people are looking for no more than someone to split the cable bill with, and keep them from their own company (do I sound cynical? whatever…). I would like to actually like the personhood of the person. So I guess I’m left with yet another reason to find a live-in companion whose only job is to make sure I don’t injure myself. How I’ve made it this far in life is a mystery …it must be all the love and support of the termites and/or the spirits that inhabits the apartment next door (they’re cool with me)…

I’m not weird, I have very unique attributes that become heightened by sugar.

Just for today, I’m still alive.

One thought on “Not Dead (Yet)…

  • Wow, yeah, you do sound a bit cynical. As someone who is nearly 35 and single, I hope that’s not what people are looking for. I thought I found heart-bending, soul-staggering love online of all places, but that relationship is to be continued as of now. I thought my heart was broken. Then, this morning, a really hot, and I mean greek god hot, dude from that same popular remaining-nameless dating website emailed me…but he lives in Santa Monica (not Oakland). Maybe I’ll throw him your way if things don’t work out. So I guess it’s fall down twice, get up three times, as far as dating goes. There are still single and fabulous almost-35 year olds who haven’t met their soulmates yet. And after yelling at the Universe for throwing me another almost-soulmate, I have to dig up some more faith.

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