Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Bright And Shiny

In all fairness, I withstood two years watching the spiral flush of the Economy go down the toilet. So, when The Korean Man, came knocking at my door it’s only natural that my latent and repressed desire (need) for Cool Stuff (i.e.clothes/shoes/jewelry) took root like a new Apple product at a prep school. And, thus, ensued the Painful Purchasing Process.

Step 1: Go shopping.
Step 2: Spot new Cool Thing.
Step 3: Call Enabling Friend and ask her if she thinks you should buy Cool Thing.
Step 4: Curse Enabling Friend for enabling you.
Step 5: Calculate finances.
Step 6: Begin “I Deserve!” mantra. These kamagra jellies ar most favourites to several individuals simply because of the quicker action and therefore the best results without any side effects, and sildenafil in canada is basically manufactured with profound insight on that problem. Such conditions are on line viagra amenable to and respond to herbal treatment. 1. Shilajit ES capsule is free sample of levitra one of the best herbal anti-aging supplements for males. ED is a condition in which a man is unable to online viagra prescription have lovemaking session with his partner. Imagine all the moments in your life in which you felt deprivation (bonus points for parental withholding of love). Count the hours spent sifting through cheap stuff Ross.
Step 7: Reach Crescendo of “I Deserve” Righteousness!
Step 8: Calculate finances again.
Step 9: Imagine what said purchase would buy in Haiti, Ethiopia, Mexico (any third world country of your choice will due).
Step 10: Ask yourself how you managed become so influenced by self-obsessed consumer culture.
Step 11: Remember that Oprah likes nice stuff too.
Step 12: Realize that Oprah quit her show.
Step 13: Imagine retired Oprah eating a bag of Cheetos on her couch and realize that Oprah isn’t your role model.
Step 14: Descend into self-loathing.
Step 15: Look upon Cool Thing as a Symbol of Greed and the Degeneration of Social Values.
Step 16: Reflect on self-judgment.
Step 17: Remember words of Enabling Therapist (not to be confused with Enabling Friend), “Do you not deserve NICE things?”
Step 18: Begin “I deserve NICE things!” mantra.
Step 19: Become exhausted by futile and infantile debate.
Step 20: Buy the &%$^ Thing!
Step 21: Love it.

Just for today, I can spend money.