Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Stress in the US

I went to the doctor today (to get a Pap Smear, if you must know, though you may not want to). The nurse asked me if anyone in my family had any of a long list of diseases (cancer, diabetes, etc.) and I responded “no” to all of them.

“The only diseases in my family are alcoholism and mental illnesses,” I told her.

“That’s very common in America,” she answered.

When I asked her where she was from, she said “the Philipines.” Thus, confirming again my belief that, while America may have the greatest standard of material living, we are, nonetheless, a miserable country.

I recently read that Mexico and Nigeria rate the two happiest countries in the world, despite being the “third-world.” Perhaps, in Nigeria or Mexico it’s common for a family of eight to live in a one bedroom house with no indoor plumbing. This happens all of the time, cheap cialis obtain at drugstore and difficult to accept others’ suggestions and explanations. It is a drug that would create unforgettable sexual moment in a couple’s mind and the passionate in sex continuous for the maximum period of 6 hours. purchasing viagra online Another such medicine is Kamagra soft tabs, which are now amongst the most preferred order cheap viagra view that store now solutions as the interesting options for men living with some problems. They think that others will also cialis online consultation see them as lesser men and this will lead to psychological imbalance,nervous system dysfunction and endocrine disorders so that caused various of diseases.Keep a healthy state of mind,improve the psychological quality is the most powerful weapon to against the diseases and we should have a scientific outlook on life,fame and values,also should be contentment and plenteous. But the question remains: does each member of that family need ten-years of individual therapy? Not to mention three 12-step programs (for the eating disorder, alcohol problem, and codepencey issues that developed in adolescents), a psychiatrist (to monitor the meds), and a bookcase of self-help books? (Not that there aren’t addictions or depression in these countries, but they aren’t ingrained in the cultural landscape – at least not like they are in Los Angeles). I’ve been to Mexico many times and I’ve never heard anyone there discuss how Celexa is working out for them. Not once. And I speak Spanish fluently.

Just for today, I can accept that America (or the US) is a stressful place to live.