Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Stella Travels to Australia: Day Three Notes

#1: I’m having some serious coffee issues. I’m used to drinking jet fuel in the morning. The local idea of coffee is a shot of mild espresso. I have to ask for five of these in a cup with no milk and even that tastes like de-caf to me. Now I am resisting the urge to go the Starbuck’s here because I find it unfortunate that American culture spreads like wild fire, or cancer. After taking the drug, the user should be that link purchase generic cialis sexually stimulated to get its effect. And importantly, the transactions that you do with go to the cheap viagra tablets. Only few men are positively go in the direction to treat their problem with levitra low price natural remedies and getting benefits for a long time. Some of the side effects include erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia and a reduced sex drive. canadian levitra It’s not that I don’t like Starbuck’s or “The Simpson’s” or “Star Wars,” or the “The Eagles,” but why do I have to hear “Hotel California” blaring out of a bar on every remote corner of earth? I think I should write a movie about a woman who tries to find a society untouched by American culture and ends up going insane because she has traveled to a far away indigenous mountain culture in Northern Brazil and hears Brittney Spears coming out of someone’s hut. The world has gotten so small, there’s just no escaping the barage of Americanaism (to coin a new word).

#2: There must be something in the air here, or in the food or the athleticism, but the guys are so good-looking (and the women, but I mostly notice the guys)! There are no fat people like the giant extra-large-french-fries people in the US.

#3: We haven’t seen any aboriginal people in town. They must live in the outskirts. Why are dark skinned people oppressed all over the world? When are white people going to be oppressed?

#4: Nothing makes me as crazy as a bad internet connection.