Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Emotional Stuff


The other night my boyfriend and I got in a giant fight. It’s all settled down (so settled, in fact, that he had totally forgotten about it today until I reminded him).

Basically, what happened, in an nut, is that I did something that triggered his triggers (without knowing it), and then he triggered mine, which created a trigger session, which led to simultaneous shame spirals and mutual shaming, which resulted in more triggering… And then I got so angry I couldn’t see straight, but he kept wanting to talk, and so I did the unthinkable and I EXPRESSED MY ANGER!! I used the F word and everything. Some experts point out that all men should pay attention to the diet, control wine levitra 100mg and tobacco. Numerous medications, recreational drugs, many chemicals in the foods, air, and water, pesticides, solvents, on line levitra and some organic compounds put together the toxic cocktail for pancreas. cialis vs levitra Diabetes can affect the nerves in any of these stages of lovemaking, he is said to sexually weak. Well, this is not usual in every men but a buy vardenafil levitra man with unhealthy and unhappy lifestyle may get suffer with. And, you know what? It felt really great. And, you know what else? He got the message. And you know what else? I think I’m going to start getting angry more often in life. It’s a lot more fun than imploding and it makes my skin look better.

Just for today, I can get angry.