Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

Dear Bladder

I once read that when I am ill I can talk to the part of the body suffering from the ailment and see what it wants. After many rounds of antibiotics and a series of home remedies (vinegar, alka seltzer, asparagus juice…yum!), I have decided to have a heart to heart with my bladder and see what this year-long bladder infection (impressive, I know)is trying to tell me.

Dear Bladder:

I get the point. I know I have abused you with coffee, sugar, and alcohol and now you want some attention. So talk to me. (Below is the dialogue that ensued…)

Bladder: You are not a victim, Stella!

Me: Whoa! Hey! I wasn’t expecting that…I’m open to hearing your truth and all, but you don’t have to yell.

Bladder: Stop giving your power away!

Me: Uh…excuse me, but FYI, I have a therapist. Just because I’m giving you a voice, doesn’t mean you can get all bossy on me.

Bladder: You must slay the dragon.

Me: Now you’re going Yoda on me. We clearly have different communication styles, so let me try to break this down. Are you saying that I don’t prioritize my health?

Bladder: Worry not on what is not important. Dosage strength of this viagra online online medicine is available with many options but it is decided by the doctor to give the best in the bed. The possibility that water bill will go up cost of sildenafil is another thing that every household and commercial establishments will face when all these rehabilitation and repairs will be implemented. Thus we viagra best have got generic medicine. The generic transformation of the drug sildenafil online uk made it more popular within a short span of time. Think more of what is in your heart.

Me: Are you saying that I stress out too much about issues that aren’t nearly as important as my health and happiness? Let’s shoot for plain English.

Bladder: Fine, if you want to be boring. You are not listening to the wisdom of your body because you spend far too much energy worrying about things that haven’t happened and may never happen.

Me: I hear you, Bladder. And I value and respect your words. Thank you for speaking your truth to me in plain English.

Bladder: Welcome.

Just for today, I can listen to my bladder’s truth.

(P.S. I can’t wait to see what kind of Google Ads come up when the spiders scan this blog.)