Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Interior Decorating

Feng Shoo-ey

My aunt told me that if I really want a relationship I have to “make space” in my life by literally making space in my closet and making sure that my bed is approachable from both sides. This is simply not going to happen in my studio (apparently, living in a studio is utterly non-conducive to attracting a relationship) unless I make my bed the centerpiece of the room. I tried it for a few days hoping it would grow on me, but all it did was create a smaller pathway to the kitchen and make the room look scrunched together. Gross hematuria has levitra 20mg price the feature of repeated attack. 2. We feel it’s essential for buying cheap cialis clients to understand precisely what they’re ingesting when they take prescription medicine. This is a much more common issue, which affects numerous men at cheap order viagra some point of time in their lives. In the first of these, ammonia reacts with bicarbonate to form carbamoyl phosphate, the buy sildenafil india phosphate coming from the two aforementioned medicines as this has a longer half-life.

So, I pushed the beds back and settled on buying a shoe organizer. For now, I can rest assured that whoever comes into my life will have some place to put his shoes…

Just for today, I can feng shui my life.