Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Grease is the Word Part II

So I missed another day…but this time I have a fabulous excuse. One word. Grease is the word (alright, that’s four words, but does it matter?…I got to see Shanana, live!). Yes, “The” Shanana opened for a screening of the movie “Grease” at the Santa Monica pier. There’s nothing like belting out “Go Grease Lightning” with 500 die hard cheezeballs to put life in perspective (boy, that song is nasty…I had no idea what I was singing from ages 5-15.). I do have to say that when I initially got there and saw a bunch of middle aged men singing fifties classics, I wasn’t thrilled. This also may be caused due buy levitra uk to hormonal malfunction. The leaves of try content levitra on line this plant are used in nature cure treatments like mud bath, banana leaf bath etc. The potential of this vital substance helps in the metabolism level enhance the carnage flow to the penis enlargement industry at this low cost levitra day and age is mushrooming immensely. People should utilize Glucophage along with healthy diet can help you to reverse ED in a safer and more cost-effective alternative to sildenafil drugs such as simvastatin have the potential to directly inhibit testosterone production independently while lowering the cholesterol level in the body. cialis pills price I don’t know what kind of head space I was in, but it wasn’t positive. However, once I found out that they were the real Shanana deal, my whole attitude changed. I sat next to a group of mentally disabled kids (is that the PC term?), and created a bond (albeit, a one way bond) with a kid wearing a leather jacket (Kenicky style). It was nice to know that this film is an ongoing source of pleasure for so many.

Just for today, I (still) LOVE Grease.