Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist

Body Stuff

I’m Not Happy

When I don’t feel well, everything in my life looks worse. If it’s already sucky, then I’m in trouble. I refer to my current condition as Sinus Hell, though, I’m sure there is probably a more official sounding name written in some medical journals…actually, I don’t know what it is, but at this point in life, I blame everything on my sinuses. Menstrual cramps? It’s my sinuses. Ingrown toe nail? My sinuses. Sad state of my love life? Sinuses. I would also blame my sinuses on my bad childhood and the state of world affairs, but I think there’s a chicken and egg thing going on there…

So, last night, after laying my sinus-infection-ridden body down to sleeep, my smoke detector decided to go schizo at 1:00 am in the morning. After stacking books on a step ladder, I took it out. Twenty minutes later, the other one went off. It shows maximum effects with warm water or milk and can also be taken as a daily supplement because of find this page commander cialis its herbal components. There are enormous natural erectile dysfunction remedies are the best answer for you. use this link online levitra As the properties and mechanisms of Generic Benicar has discovered to be efficient in these situations as this has been developed as viagra sans prescription the antagonist to the activities and mechanisms of PDE5 enzyme therefore this is the desired quantity. Take some fresh menthol leaves and make them into a generic sildenafil fine powder. There’s something about the piercing sound of smoke detectors randomly going off when you’re not feeling well that makes you wonder if God gets off on all His power (Ok, I don’t really believe in that kind of God…but I can’t think straight when I’m in sinus delirium). I would make a joke about how vulnerable my apartment is to fire and smoke (seeing as it has no functioning detectors), but I’m too superstitious…

On Friday night I accepted Relentless’ offer to come over and have a piece of the cake he had just baked. I was bored and lonely, and thus, susceptible to two things he could provide 1) cake and 2) male attention. When I arrived, I entered an apartment that felt like it has leaped straight out of the Pottery Barn catalogue. Spotless. Immaculately decorated.

I know, I know…Baking? Clean, nicely decorated apartment? Great. My one suitor is a closeted homosexual. Damn sinuses.

Just for today, I’m not happy.

3 thoughts on “I’m Not Happy

  • Sinus hell I relate too and don’t have much acceptance over it.
    Having no love life to speak of that I do have acceptance over.
    I don’t have smoke detectors but I do live next to a school yard that even on the weekend the bells go off.
    Well Stella I guess we will always have are strugles. So for today we are above ground and that is a good thing.

  • Serena

    Um…so those are the only details we get about your evening with Relentless?
    Just because a guy has a tidy place and can bake doesn’t make him gay. It might mean he was “raised right.”

  • Stella

    Trust me, there’s nothing to tell…;-)

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