Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


It Takes Me A While To Get Around To Things

I have a wrought iron bench on my porch that I bought from Furniture Brother #1 about five years ago. It’s a weird shape, not standard, and that has been my excuse for not buying pillows for it. For years, whenever people came over and stood on the porch, they would sort of stare at the bench and ask me when I was going to buy a pillow for it. The severity of male impotence may be related to (but not limited cialis generico uk to) immune issues, inflammatory conditions, and endocrine problems. Surgery or Injury- A number of surgeries and injuries of the levitra properien groin, nervous or circulatory systems can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction. It acts when one is sexually get energetic or is enthused set of get viagra mind. Kamagra Oral Jelly is a medication cialis prices utilized within the treatment of erectile brokenness. A few brave souls would sit on it and, thus, experience the discomfort of my world.

This week, I finally bought some pillows (misaligned, but who cares), and lo and behold, I sat and had coffee on it with my neighbor! What kind of craziness is in my brain that keeps me from doing the obvious?! (I don’t really want to know the answer).

Just for today, I can sit on my porch.