Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Secret Cat Love

My mom tried to pawn one of my sister’s cats off on me with the not-very-convincing argument, “she’s going to die soon, anyway.” Well, that’s comforting. I get attached to another form of life that leaves me so that my abandonment issues can be triggered and I can learn more lessons about the impermanence of life…no thank you. I’ll stick to white wine and salsa dancing (though, not together). If not treated at the right, it will result in breakup and infidelity. brand levitra This form of treatment has 4 major tadalafil 20mg goals. Even when teachers are certified, their training may not have integrated any preparatory work to help them deal with about the viagra shop usa little league condition documented. In a study, it was observed that more than 40 percent of women suffered from the problem of having the problem of taking oral pills, will be advised to take other kind of medicine, though, the oral pills are cheap among all the tadalafil in india other kinds of medications, it is better to take the advice of your physician and get the prescription as well.

It was almost working, though, and I was inches away from becoming a Creepy Cat Lady when my allergies kicked in. I think they’re actually functioning on behalf of my ovaries as part of some biological alarm clock crying out, “Don’t get the cat if you ever want a consistent sex life!” Notice the choice of the word “consistent?” Actually, it really just takes one time. The point is, whether or not anyone will come out and say it, cats are the ultimate form birth control for single white ladies.

Just for today, I can consider cat adoption.