Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Holiday Movies that Hate Women

According to my friend Marge, the “Evil Eye” in “The Lord of the Rings” looks like a giant vagina. (For the purposes of this blog we’ll ignore the fact that the non-human, and non-European characters have some ethnic characteristics…but we’re talking about sexism here). If you think I’m reading far too much in this epic, try “Bad Santa” in which every single female character (without exception) gets screwed, is elderly (which is apparently high-larious), or extremely overweight (and getting screwed…up the butt, no less). I’m hard press to see where this is empowering or even remotely respectful to women. I think “Bad Santa” may have even included the old overplayed never-funny-to-me joke where a woman who is overweight, middle aged, with a mole on her face (and she’s either a waitress or nurse or some occupation where women serve) turns around to face the camera and her mere presence is enough to inspire laughter. Although Kamagra is very reliable and safe way for overcoming impotence or erectile dysfunction- the difficulty of having a good erection for sexual activity viagra generic usa is satisfied. He may try to treat your symptoms individually such as a prescription for erectile dysfunction, e.g, see for more cialis without prescription and another prescription for depression rather than correcting the cause — hormone deficiency such as testosterone and thyroid. The effect of viagra online sample differs from person to person. Therefore, doctors and medical practitioners from the Europe and all over again. cheap viagra from uk Why? Because she’s supposedly heinous and it’s funny to laugh at women who aren’t child-like waifs waiting to wrap their legs around the director, who still hates his mom and all the girls who didn’t like him in high school. And, finally, we mustn’t forget the scene where the short midget guy chops off a mannequin’s leg (and don’t tell me that it’s just a mannequin, it wears women’s clothes for God sakes!).

Sometimes when I express what I really think I fear that I may be furthering my chances of landing a gig as a suburban housewife. And then I realize that I’m actually protecting myself from entering a special type of hell disguised as a domestic partnership where women are supposed to accept that the “Man Show” is not pure venom towards women.

Just for today, I can express my feminist views.