Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist



People swear by it, some even say it changed their life. I don’t think that daydreaming in front of a candle for fifteen minutes can possibly do me any harm, but if it’s changing my life…I just don’t know. Here’s a little sample of my “meditative” state.

(Light candle. Diabetes, cardiovascular health and some other medical reasons are also be there that impaired the blood supply cialis online purchase to the penile area. VigRX Plus is overnight viagra delivery guaranteed! With our 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee you’ve got annihilation to lose and aggregate to gain! In 2008, the northeastern state of Vermont in the US petitioned the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent and disease or health condition Age also is a part of metabolic syndrome, and can be one of the risk factors. These pills can not only help in delaying your ejaculations, but also in enhancing sexual prowess, viagra india stamina, and desire. These links viagra shop usa are low quality, but they are one-way keyword anchored back links. Sit on floor. Look serene.)

“Hmmm, OK, God, or whatever, let’s give me some direction here…what do you want me to do with my life?…gee, I wonder if I have any more of that Trader Joe’s caramel popcorn left. So many cute guys work at TJ’s…too young for me…maybe I can get a job there…shoot, I forgot to call my aunt and thank her for the scarf…ingrate that I am…ok, let’s get spiritual…what am I supposed to think about while I sit here?…rivers?…trees?…but I hate nature…so many bad memories…horrifying camping experiences…spider bites…didn’t my eye swell up and then my Kindergarten teacher sent me home because she said I needed to go to the hospital?…nice parenting…too many hot toddies, dad! Ok, now I’m angry…let’s see maybe if I play with the candle wax, I’ll think of something else….damn!…now it’s all over the carpet…this is not good….how long has it been?…fifteen minutes?…renewed resentment and wax on carpet…can I go to bed now?”

Just for today, I will continue with my meditation practice, despite present difficulties.