Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


Open Doors/Closed Doors

My friend Margaret says that when things are easy and flow that means that the door is open and the universe supports our actions. When things aren’t working it means that there is another path that is better suited for us, the proverbial door is closed. I’m not really sure how I feel about this philosophy. What if the gates of hell open up for me? Just because it’s easy, does that mean I should waltz right in? Heaven might require a little bit of struggle and clamoring, but at least I’m trying to get into the right place.

Today I walked by Victoria’s Secret right when they were having the annual bra sale and (being in a place where I’m working on owning sexier bras) I walked in, picked up a few heavily padded lace creations, and waltzed right into the dressing room. One of the bras made me look like I’d had a boob job operated by a balloon clown and the second one just…let’s just say it didn’t fit. I left my room (because there was a big line of angry bra-hunters waiting to use it) to go on my own hunt for some better (i.e., ones that fit) bras. Other problems experienced tadalafil professional cheap by these women are painful urination and intercourse that can worsen their condition. Serogen Pure Extract is a product that order cialis online claims to increase ropes or contractions significantly. It is important for patients to understand that an injection of Adipose Derived Stem Cells or ADSCs at the site of cavernous nerve injury facilitates regeneration of nerves to recover the erectile dysfunction. cheap cialis Get in touch with me to find out if NAET is right cialis tadalafil online for you. Now, this took work. In the end, I waited in line for the dressing room, and I waited in line to pay for a black bra (wanting to be sexy is not a crime, wearing bras that make you look like you’ve disfigured your body for what you think might be sexy, is).

Did the universe intend for me to buy a bra today? Who the hell cares, except for what this says about the rest of my life. Exactly, how much work am I supposed to put into finding my soul mate (preferably none) and my dream job (again…preferably none). I hear my friends tell me about how their soul mate just “came” to them, or how they just “fell” into a fulfilling career. Truth is, parking tickets and unavailable men seem to magnetize towards me like a magnet to a refrigerator, and I’ve “fallen” into more than my share of temp jobs. I know, I know…I have to be what I want to attract.

Just for today, I’ll keep knocking on some doors (preferably the ones that lead to Heaven), and walk through the ones that are already open and lead to good places.