Comic, Playwright, Non-Essential Artist


It’s Lonely At The Middle

I have no friends at work. Well, that’s not true, I do have Food Guy and the Receptionist, who has been here all of three days. Actually, I was friends with the last Receptionist but that’s only because he thought I might be able to “help his career.” I once mentioned that I used to know some people on TV and, thus, he wanted to have coffee with me….He has a law degree, but hates lawyering and blah, blah, blah…(see how jaded and cynical I’ve become?…it’s so awesome).

Anyway, having no friends at work except Food Guy is not so bad, as it turns out. I told him I live on cheerios and BAM! the kitchen is stocked with cheerios. Other symptoms that indicate a digestive enzyme supplement is needed are: Sensation of food siting in viagra online pharmacies the stomach. The medicine viagra 100mg pills only deals with erections and not the internal bureaucracy’s – needs. If you are suffering from deep generic levitra from canada stress and depression, then you should take help from VigRx Plus. It is buy tadalafil without prescription not a good sign and it will be continued for long hours. I told him I don’t eat wheat and BAM! a box of Cliff bars shows up. It goes without saying that he’s my new BFF. But it’s not one-sided. I listen to him talk about his personal life and offer my pathetic, I’m-no-one-to-give-advice advice.

Still, I’m kind of lonely.

Just for today, I can wish for more friends at work.